If you’re not getting the results you want from your workouts, there are several factors you may be overlooking that could be the culprits behind your lack of progress. It’s easy to get frustrated with your workouts and give up altogether, but it’s important to know what you can do to improve the outcome of your fitness routine as well as how to adjust your workout schedule if necessary. These 10 reasons why you may not be getting results from your workouts should help you get back on track and start seeing progress again in no time!
If you have a bad workout plan

Having a bad workout plan is one of the biggest reasons people fail to reach their goals. A poor workout plan can make you feel frustrated, stuck and even hopeless. However, there’s no need to beat yourself up about it.
If you have unrealistic expectations
Expectations. You can’t expect to lose 100 pounds in a week and magically keep it off, but that doesn’t stop people from doing so. Likewise, you also cannot expect your body to adjust in just a few weeks. It takes time for the muscles to build and for your body to get used to the new workout routine. The best thing you can do is be patient with yourself as well as stay consistent over time. In this case, patience is key!
If you don’t stick to your program

One of the most important things you can do for your workout is to stay motivated. If you’re struggling to stay on track, there could be a few different reasons why this might be happening. The first reason could be because you don’t understand the plan or program well enough to know what you should do next.
If you’re not eating enough protein
One of the most common reasons why people don’t see results from their workouts is because they aren’t eating enough protein. You need to consume at least one gram of protein per pound that you weigh, so if you’re 150 pounds, you need to be eating about 150 grams of protein a day.
If you’re doing too much cardio

If you’re doing too much cardio, you’re training your body to be a slow fat-burning machine. You’re burning through your glycogen stores as soon as you start and then running out of gas about 2 hours later. Which is great if that’s what you want but most people don’t actually realize this will happen and then feel frustrated when it does.
If you’re feeling stressed out about it
Workouts shouldn’t be a stressful activity. In fact, they should bring a sense of relief and relaxation as you work on your fitness. If this isn’t happening for you, consider the following:
The exercise might not fit in your schedule. Getting to the gym five days a week might not be realistic for someone who needs to commute one hour each way to their job. Make sure the type of workout will fit into your schedule.
If you didn’t warm up properly

By now you know that proper preparation is key to getting the most out of your workout. But what you may not realize is that warming up takes more than just a few minutes before you begin your actual workout routine.
If your sets and reps aren’t specific enough
Start counting reps! If you’re doing more than 12 reps in any set, you may be training your endurance. On the other hand, if you’re doing fewer than 6 reps in any set, it’s likely that you’re training your strength. Once you get those figured out, it will be easier to adjust what exercises and sets you do accordingly so that the correct muscle group is being trained.
If you want instant gratification (and there isn’t any!)

There may be a couple of reasons why you’re not seeing results, but they’re usually easy to address. Either your goals and expectations aren’t realistic or you’re not working out correctly. If the former is the case, make your goals more specific or adjust your expectations in order to better meet them. If it’s the latter, take a look at our tips for getting started in an exercise routine and share this post with someone who may also be struggling to see results!
If your nutrition isn’t in check.
You might not be able to find your ideal results because you’re not eating enough of the right food. Be sure that your diet is balanced, full of protein and fats, and making sure you have a high-protein snack before or after working out. If you have medical conditions such as diabetes or any other type of thyroid condition, these can contribute to an inability to lose weight. If you think this may be the case for you, talk to your doctor about it!