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The Simplest and Fastest Way to Kill Your Belly Fat for Good

The Simplest and Fastest Way to Kill Your Belly Fat for Good

My name is Dr. Michael Diamonds, and I am a new professional natural bodybuilder. Over the last 10 years, I’ve dedicated my life to going through bulking phases. Initially, I was always a fat kid and utilized that ability to build muscle in my bulking phases and go through multiple cutting phases where I tried to maintain as much muscle tissue while losing all the fat. I’ve repeated this process multiple times using the knowledge as a medical doctor in all the scientific research and literature that I’ve read over the last 10 years. I’ve improved my process and managed to do this as long as 7 months in my first stint to as short as 90 days, making it manageable.

Not only have I been able to do this myself in a simple and quick manner, but I’ve also been able to do this with my clients. For example, Jasmine only wanted to drop 10 pounds and hit her mark very easily, allowing her to see her abs. Dominic, at 60 years young, released the weight and finally maintained a physique he could have year-round. Dwayne, at 80 years young, dropped 27 lbs at 80 years old. Why I’m sharing this is to say that this is science, not luck. This is definitely hard work, but as long as you follow these five mechanical rules that I’ve developed, you’ll be able to see your abs in no time, just like my clients.

For example, Jim shared a post on Instagram showing 35 lbs lost in 16 weeks. Sandra has now lost 50 lbs in the entire journey we’ve shared together. Harry, who I’m going to have on this channel very soon, lost 88 lbs. Every single transformation you’ve seen online follows these rules, and they’re gatekeeping it from you. But I’m not only going to share the simple way; I’m also going to share the fastest way to get there, as summer is here and we want to be in the best shape possible.

I highly recommend for all of those people who watch till the very end: your chances of success are only determined by you taking action and implementing everything I mention in this video. For those of you who may know things already, you’re going to find out so many nuggets and facts in this video that’ll confirm some things about your body that may just change the trajectory of your transformation. Let’s not waste any time; let’s get into rule number one of the mechanical rules.

Rule Number One: Intermittent Fasting

Did you know that your stomach is an organ, and an empty stomach is about 1.7 to 2.5 fluid ounces in volume when it’s empty? However, when you fill that stomach up, it goes to as much as 34 to 51 fluid ounces. The way you should see your stomach is like a balloon. Intermittent Fasting is one consistency that I’ve had over the 10 years. The easiest way to explain why Intermittent Fasting functions is through this balloon analogy.

We understand that to lose weight, and more specifically fat, you need to be in a caloric deficit. But in terms of simplicity, what if we could do something so simple that we’re in a caloric deficit automatically? Here we have two cups: one of someone who has breakfast, lunch, dinner, and a snack, and maybe a bite of your partner’s sandwich in the morning or drinking that extra Coke or Frappuccino. This person’s balloon over time is going to consume so much more compared to the person who just decides not to eat breakfast. Therefore, because of a lack of time, their balloon can only inflate by so much.

That’s why Intermittent Fasting works so simply: because of time, you limit the amount of volume that you can consume in a day. Now, I’m going to explain to you the simplest way to follow it and also the fastest way.

The Simplest Way to Follow Intermittent Fasting

Whenever I start a diet, we simply start with a 12-hour fasting and a 12-hour eating window. For example, if your final meal is at 8:00 p.m., then you should have your first meal at 8:00 a.m., 12 hours later. But as you start losing weight, you need to consistently establish a deeper caloric deficit so you don’t hit any more plateaus and continue losing weight consistently, taking into account metabolic adaptation.

In simple terms, your body will get used to the things you’re doing to it. Once I get to 2,500 calories, I will then go to 14:10, meaning my breakfast will shift from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. These extra 2 hours of fasting will help in terms of consuming less food. Once I get within that 2,000 to 2,300 calorie zone, I’ll increase my fasting window to the classic 16:8, where I skip breakfast entirely. Because I’m skipping this meal, it helps me manage how many calories I eat.

In simple terms, I’ve noticed if I have my first meal early in the morning, the likelihood that I eat so much more is higher. As time progresses, to establish an even deeper deficit, you may wonder how guys don’t deal with hunger when cutting their calories so low. The answer is Intermittent Fasting.

The Fastest Way to Kill Your Belly Fat with Intermittent Fasting

At the start of the diet, it’s a 12:12. Then I’ll progress to a 14:10, then to the classic 16:8. When I want to get to 10% body fat and further, I’ll go to 18:6. When I am getting into the single digits, I’ll go as far as getting into the 20:4. The more I fast, the more weight I lose as a consequence of consuming fewer calories due to time.

What I’ve noticed with hunger signals is that as you implement fasting and turn up this notch of your window, your body sends hunger signals called ghrelin from your stomach. But as time passes and a week passes without responding to the ghrelin signal, you actually start not feeling hungry anymore because you haven’t responded to this hormonal input. As a result, you’ll kill your body fat by being in a caloric deficit.

The amazing benefits of Intermittent Fasting include a healthier gut by decreasing gut inflammation, better food absorption, enhanced brain function through increased production of BDNF, and better cardiovascular health. Fasting is something you can do when you’re traveling, on holiday, or at a military base without much access. Simply deciding to skip breakfast will help keep that fat at bay.

Rule Number Two: Eating 50g of Protein with Each Meal

The rule you’ve always heard is eating 1g of protein per pound of body weight. There’s no downside to this, even if some people say it’s too much. The only downside to eating more protein is if you have a kidney or liver condition; in that case, consult your medical physician. But there’s no downside, only benefits, to eating 1g of protein per pound of body weight. Mechanical rule number two is going to be 50g of protein per meal.

For example, if you’re 200 lbs, eating 50g of protein in each meal will make you feel fuller for longer. Protein has similar natural effects that appetite-suppressing medications have in terms of its ability to stimulate appetite-suppressing hormones. I want you to remember this mnemonic for hitting your protein intake:

Now that we have Intermittent Fasting, you can now know to eat protein in each meal. If you have four meals, you can have oats with two scoops of protein for breakfast, chicken breast with a burger for lunch, steak with veggies for dinner, and a can of tuna or another shake as a snack. No excuses for missing your protein intake.

Protein has the highest satiety effect, making you feel the fullest for longer. It also boosts your metabolism because your body burns the most calories digesting protein compared to carbs and fats. Finally, breaking down protein gives you the building blocks necessary to build muscle, acting as the cement to your muscle, allowing you to add layers over time and reduce the risk of losing muscle while losing fat.

Rule Number Three: Walking 10,000 Steps Daily

This is the simplest exercise anybody can do because we can all walk. Research has shown that your body primarily uses fat as a source of energy when walking compared to running. Walking 10,000 Steps Daily will ensure that you’re burning about 400 to 500 calories daily, which equates to an extra pound of fat loss per week.

Walking is fantastic for losing fat, better blood flow to your brain, mental clarity, socializing, and cardiovascular health. If you want the fastest way, aim for 15,000 to 20,000 Steps Daily. The downside is that it will tap into your time, but if you become smart about it, like walking during your workout or whenever you get a chance, it will be an amazing transformation for you.

Rule Number Four: Resistance Training

The caloric deficit will make sure that you lose weight, but Resistance Training will ensure that you build or at least maintain muscle tissue. Training a minimum of three times a week and a maximum of six times a week is essential. You need to train in a manner that is uncomfortable, pushing yourself with good form but challenging your limits.

Building more muscle tissue acts as an insurance policy, burning more calories at rest compared to fat. Muscle will burn about six calories at rest compared to fat’s two calories. Adding extra muscle tissue over time will boost your metabolism and ensure that you don’t look skinny-fat, but rather, your muscle tissue will punch through your skin, showcasing your six-pack in its glory.

Rule Number Five: Sleep

Sleep is the foundation of life. You spend nearly a third of your lifetime Sleeping. Proper Sleep ensures that all your systems, from your brain to your gut to your metabolism, function optimally. Research shows that when you Sleep more, it will take away your appetite, making the dieting process easier. Less Sleep results in less testosterone, while more Sleep increases testosterone, the main muscle-building hormone.

Follow the 10-3-2-1 rule for better Sleep:

Implementing these Sleep protocols will ensure that you make better decisions, lose weight more efficiently, and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

That is the simplest and fastest way to kill your belly fat. Share your story in the comments below. Have these tips worked for you? Comment your experience and let us know. If you liked this post, share it with friends and leave a like. I’ll see you in the next one. I’m rooting for you! Cheers.

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